Friday, January 12, 2018

Styles of Art!

As you may know, I love art!
But I have been having an issue with trying to find what style of art I love best.
So for this post, I am going to list my two favorite types of art styles.

The first is impressionism.
I really like impressionism. In fact, I even tried to paint my own. It didn't look too bad but I'm still not quite sure that's the type for me.
Anyways, impressionism is pretty much a bunch of tiny streaks that eventually form the picture. It is relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes. It looks like this.

I really like this form of painting and it truly makes a picture pop.
Many famous artists use this form of painting. 
Van Gough used it on his Starry Night painting, Claude Monet used it on a lot of his paintings.
But there are different types of impressionist paintings too.
Like my absolute favorite is modern impressionism.
It's bright colorful and amazing.

Another is realism, and like its name, it is real looking.
One of the main things about realism is detail.
As you can see in this picture of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa there is lots of detail.

There are so many other styles of painting, and if you don't paint I'm sure there is a different type of art you would like.
For example drawing, photography, and even sewing.
Be creative.

Be Colorful, Hannah

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