Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It's Smoothie Time!

Ever need a super tasty kid-friendly snack,
here is a fun quick recipe.

All you need to do is put two peeled bananas, ice, and orange juice in the blender.
Blend it all up and enjoy a yummy smoothie.
Or you can pour it into some popsicles molds and stick it in the freezer for about two hours or until completely frozen.
Also, you don't have to use bananas and orange juice.
We have also tried different things like,
pineapple juice with bananas,
orange juice with bananas and strawberries,
and we even add yogurt sometimes.
If you don't want the hassle of making smoothies you can just grab a juice from your fridge and it in the popsicle molds and freeze that.
We have tried lemonade, grape juice, pineapple juice,
and even water if we don't have any juice.
either way, it is still fun and still yummy.

I have four younger brothers and sister and an older sister, and we all love these tasty snacks. They are easy and good.

Be Colorful, Hannah

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